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New Life ANDROID Zakupy
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Cleanness 60 kapsułek ziołowych w słoiczku CLEANNESS 60 VEGETABLE CAPSULES




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New Life

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Firma NEW LIFE ma dziś ponad 800 oficjalnych przedstawicielstw na terenie całej Ukrainy. Przy zamówieniu możesz wybrać najbliższy CI według lokalizacji.W tym celu skorzystaj z mapy Zobacz mapę

Krótki opis, Świadectwo:

is recommended as strong antiparasitic agent improving bile secretion and digestion; creates unfavorable conditions for the reproduction of parasites, cleanses the bowels, and is effective in the prophylaxis of allergic diseases


60 capsules per 500mg


Active ingredients - juglans nigra extract,pumpkin seed extract,/artemisia vulgaris extract, helichrysum arenarium extract, allium satívum extract

Other ingredients - hydrated silica, calcium stearate


1 capsule 2 times a day with meals

Warunki przechowywania:

store within 3 years from the date of manufacturing in dry place protected from light beyond the reach of children at a temperature from 0°C to 25°C and with relative humidity of 75% at most


idiosyncrasy of components

Kod kreskowy:

Juglans nigra extract — exhibits general tonic, antiparasitic, anti-inflammatory, astringent, antifungal, bactericidal, and choleretic activity. It can be used as anthelmintic drug in removal of round worms due to damaging effects onto mature species and intermediate stages of parasites

Pumpkin seed extract — is one of the best anthelminthic agents being effective in the presence of pinworms, lamblia, ascarids, opisthorchis, beef, pork and dwarf tapeworms, and broad tapeworms. It also produces choleretic and laxative action which contributes to removal of the intestinal parasites

Wormwood extract — has anthelmintic effect owing to increase in production of digestive juices which have the destructive effect on parasites, and enhances the gastric and intestinal motility. Wormwood extract is a part of anti-alcoholic preparations

Helichrysum arenarium extract — produces the choleretic, spasmolytic, anti-inflammatory and antibacterial action, enhances the formation of bile and biliary acids, protect liver cells from the toxic effects, promotes the dissolution of gallstones, amplifies secretory and motor function of the gastrointestinal tract

Allium satívum extract — is rich in essential oils and other phytoncides, exhibiting pronounced antimicrobial, antiparasitic (pinworms) and antifungal activity. Garlic protects the body from infections and belongs to the natural antibiotics

10610183-bc34-4d42-8178-f5333d0e167a New Life