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Reishi 60 kapsułek ziołowych w słoiczku REISHI 60 VEGETABLE CAPSULES

388 UAH


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Krótki opis, Świadectwo:

one of the strongest immunomodulators, exhibiting pronounced antitumor activity, and effective radio-protective agent; prevents the development of atherosclerosis, contributes to lowering of arterial blood pressure, reduces thrombi formation and risk of apoplectic attack and myocardial infarction


60 capsules per 500mg


Active ingredients - reishi extract

Other ingredients - maltodextrin, hydrated silica,calcium stearate


1 capsule twice a day with meals

Warunki przechowywania:

store within 3 years from the date of manufacturing in dry place protected from light beyond the reach of children at a temperature from 0°C to 25°C and with relative humidity of 75% at most


idiosyncrasy of components

Kod kreskowy:

Reishi extract — contains the polysaccharide beta-glucan which activates antitumor protection of the body: increases the rate of maturation, activity and life span of macrophages, natural killer cells and cytotoxic T-lymphocytes so that they can more efficiently destroy or decompose the tumor cells. Besides, reishi polysaccharides cause 10-30-fold increase in the factor of tumor necrosis – interleukins -1, 6. It is found that reishi triterpenoids have direct inhibitory effect on the tumor. Patients taking reishi better tolerate the chemotherapy and radiation regimens. Reishi is intended for cancer patients with benign and malignant tumors at various stages; persons undergoing major surgery, chemotherapy, or radiation exposure therapy. Reishi promotes normalization of the lipid metabolism, reduces the level of low-density lipoproteins in the blood plasma and amount of oxidized cholesterol in the arterial walls which is responsible for development of atherosclerosis. At the expense of presence of active triterpenes, reishi extract inhibits the synthesis of the angiotensin enzyme from renin (strong vasoconstrictor agent), which results in the marked lowering of pressure. Owing to high content of germanium (involved in the process of oxygen transportation to tissues, similar to hemoglobin), reishi extract prevents the development of oxygen deficiency (hypoxia) in the nervous system and cardiac muscle, and reduces the aggregation of platelets into plugs, which leads to increased blood flow velocity and improvement of blood supply to tissues. Therefore, the risk of apoplectic attack and myocardial infarction is reduced.

Reishi extract contains anti-inflammatory and antihistaminic ingredients (ganoderic acids, oleic acid, sulfur and protein Ling Zhi-8) which help in the complex therapy of allergic and autoimmune diseases such as bronchial asthma, lupus erythematosus, disseminated sclerosis, rheumatoid arthritis, sclerodermia, nonspecific ulcerative colitis, and allergic dermatitis. Extract of this mushroom enhances and prolongs the effect of insulin, and increases the sensitivity of tissues to insulin. With the long-term taking of reishi, decrease in blood sugar and stabilization of the diabetes course are observed, and it is possible to reduce the dose of hypoglycemic drugs.

Among medicinal mushrooms, reishi has the most pronounced anti-inflammatory action. Reishi extract is successfully used in severe diseases, such as viral hepatitis B and C, liver cirrhosis, chronic obstructive pulmonary disease, diseases of joints; it improves the quality of life and work productivity

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