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New Life ANDROID Zakupy
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Spice pro 60 kapsułek ziołowych w słoiczku SPICE PRO 60 VEGETABLE CAPSULES




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New Life

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Firma NEW LIFE ma dziś ponad 800 oficjalnych przedstawicielstw na terenie całej Ukrainy. Przy zamówieniu możesz wybrać najbliższy CI według lokalizacji.W tym celu skorzystaj z mapy Zobacz mapę

Krótki opis, Świadectwo:

it is recommended as a supplement stimulating the activity of the digestive system, depressing appetite and actively influencing on the process of the breakdown of fatty cells. Due to stimulation of the thermogenesis, it helps to lose weight. The supplement has an antiparasitic property, inhibits growth of pathogenic bacteria and relieves of diarrhea. It contributes to the strengthening of immune system


60 capsules per 500mg


Active ingredients for 1 capsule (500 mg): curcuma longa (240 mg), zingiber officinale (80 mg), cinnamomum verum (52 mg),syzygium aromaticum (20 mg)

Oher ingredients: microcristalline cellulose, hydrated silica, calcium stearate


1 capsule twice a day with meals

Warunki przechowywania:

store within 3 years from the date of manufacturing in dry place protected from light beyond the reach of children at a temperature up from 0°C to 25°C and with relative humidity of 75% at most


idiosyncrasy of components

Kod kreskowy:

Curcuma – has the antiparasitic, antioxidant and anti-inflammatory properties. It is effective in fighting excess weight and normalizes metabolism. It relieves pancreatitis, normalizes insulin and sugar levels in the blood, and is beneficial to the organs of the gastrointestinal tract. Curcuma is effective for prevention of formation of kidney and bladder stones. It reduces the amount of “bad” cholesterol and reduces the risk of the onset of vascular sclerosis. Curcuma suppresses tumour growth

Ginger – exerts a positive influence on digestion, stimulates secretion of gastric juice and contributes to the better uptake and breakdown of fats. Ginger enhances thermogenesis – heat production, which contributes to weight loss, neutralizes gases having accumulated in the digestive system helping to achieve a “flat belly” feeling. Ginger decreases the blood cholesterol level, increases cerebral blood flow, improves immunity, strengthens blood vessels, and is used for prevention of vascular sclerosis

Cinnamon – stimulates the activity of the digestive system and helps to digest heavy food minimizing the accumulation of waste and toxins. It depresses appetite and actively influences on the process of breakdown of fatty cells stopping the formation of new fat deposits. Polyphenol, having the properties of insulin and contributing to lowering of the blood sugar level, which is useful in diabetes, is present in the composition of cinnamon. The cinnamon reinforces the immunity, stimulates the brain activity and improves the attention

Cloves – contribute to the secretion of gastric juice, neutralize putrefactive processes in the digestive tract, relieve of diarrhea, enterospasm and distension, and depress appetite. They have the bactericidal, analgesic, antivermicular, antifungal, and diaphoretic properties. Cloves are capable to suppress the growth of the Koch’s bacillus and reinforce immunity

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