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New Life ANDROID Zakupy
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Ekstrakt roślinny z łopianu BURDOCK VEGETABLE EXTRACT 30 ml

105 UAH


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New Life

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Krótki opis, Świadectwo:

It is recommended as an agent, which enhances the antitoxic function of the liver, cleanses the blood, stimulates tissue regeneration, exerts the choleretic, diuretic, antibacterial, and antidiabetic effects

NEW LIFE ➤ ЛОПУХА ЕКСТРАКТ Нове Життя ✿ Натуральні рідкі рослинні екстракти з трав Нове Життя ✿ Рідкі БАДи - Біологічно активні добавки ✔ Доставка по Україні ✔ Унікальна система знижок ✿ Замовляйте і станьте партнером!

30 ml


Аctive ingredients - arctium lappa radices

Оther ingredients - aqua, propylenglycolum,glycerolum


7 – 10 drops 2-3 times daily before meals

Warunki przechowywania:

Store for 3 years from the date of manufacture in a dry place protected from direct sunlight at a temperature not higher than +25ºС and relative humidity not higher than 85%. After opening, it is recommended to use within 6 months.


Individual intolerance to the components

Kod kreskowy:

Burdock root — contains many useful substances in its composition: polysaccharide inulin, bardana essential oil, vitamins, minerals, tannins, flavonoids, glycosides, polyacetylene carbohydrates, sitosterol, stigmasterol, antioxidants, and alkaloids.

Antioxidants quercetin, luteolin, and phenolic acids ensure protection of cells from damage caused by the effects of free radicals.

Burdock contributes to the removal of toxic substances, cleansing of kidneys, and restoration of the liver.

Burdock increases liver glycogen deposition and improves insulin-producing function of the pancreas.

It has the choleretic and diuretic effects, and improves the job of intestines.

Burdock has an antitumour effect and is helpful in the prevention and combating cancer related diseases.

Burdock relieves inflammations, increases brain activity and helps to normalize arterial pressure.

503f89e6-0cbd-4739-aa2f-f40d090ae7f1 New Life