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New Life ANDROID Zakupy
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Ekstrakt roślinny z traganka ASTRAGALUS VEGETABLE EXTRACT 100 ml




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New Life

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Firma NEW LIFE ma dziś ponad 800 oficjalnych przedstawicielstw na terenie całej Ukrainy. Przy zamówieniu możesz wybrać najbliższy CI według lokalizacji.W tym celu skorzystaj z mapy Zobacz mapę

Krótki opis, Świadectwo:

It is recommended as an agent, which strengthens the cell walls, improves blood flow in the heart and kidneys. It is an immunomodulator.


100 ml


Active ingredients - astragalus herba

Other ingredients - aqua, propylenglycolum, glycerolum


7-10 drops 2-3 times daily before meals

Warunki przechowywania:

store within 3 years from the manufacturing date in dry, protected from light place ​at a temperature not above 25°C and with a relative humidity not higher than 85%.


Individual intolerance to the components

Kod kreskowy:

Astragalus herb — contains flavonoids, tannins, organic acids, glycyrrhizin, essential oils, vitamins E and C, coumarins and trace elements: iron, calcium, phosphorus, sodium, and magnesium. The specificity of astragalus lies in the accumulation of sufficient amount of trace element selenium, which increases its useful properties. Selenium is a useful and essential mineral, which has a powerful antioxidant effect, boosts immunity, exerts a beneficial impact on the female and male reproductive systems as well as on the function of the thyroid gland.

Astragalus herb has the hypotensive, sedative, and cardiotonic properties. It contributes to the dilation of cerebral and peripheric vessels, which significantly improves blood circulation as well as saturates the internal organs with oxygen.

Astragalus is indicated for hypertensive disease, angina pectoris, edemas of different etiologies, kidney diseases, hives as well as for lung and musculoskeletal diseases, eczema, and psoriasis. At the same time, the general state significantly improves, the headache, dizziness, ringing in the ears, and insomnia disappear.

It is applied topically for rinsing the oral cavity and throat. It is effective for quinsy, parodontal disease, stomatitis, and other inflammatory processes.

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