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Eliksir dla wzroku ELIXIR FOR VISION 30 ml




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Krótki opis, Świadectwo:

it is recommended as an agent, which improves vision, reduces the risk of developing cataracts and prevents the retinal degeneration disease. Owing to its antioxidant properties, it protects the eyes from ultraviolet radiation, enhances contrast and reduces the light sensitivity, strengthens blood vessels and capillaries, improves microcirculation in the eye structure and accelerates the processing of visual information.

NEW LIFE ➤ ЕЛІКСИР ДЛЯ ЗОРУ Нове Життя ✅ Харчові біодобавки і еліксири Нове Життя ✿ Рідкі БАДи - Біологічно активні добавки ✔ Доставка по Україні ✔ Унікальна система знижок ✿ Замовляйте і станьте партнером!

30 ml


Аctive ingredients: myrtilli fructus, euphrasia herba, carota semina, sorbi fructus, viburni fructus, urticae folium, hіppophaes rhamnoides fructus, zingiberis rhizoma.

Оther ingredients: aqua, propylenglycolum, glycerolum.


7-10 drops 2-3 times a day before meals.

Warunki przechowywania:

store within 24 months from the manufacturing date in dry, protected from light place at a temperature not above 25°C and with a relative humidity not higher than 85%.


individual intolerance to the components.

Kod kreskowy:

Blueberry fruits — contain large amounts of vitamin А, and also have antioxidant and angioprotective properties. Blueberries are effective in preventing eye diseases.

Eyebright herb — is used in eye disorders such as trachoma, conjunctivitis, as well as eyestrain, and to improve vision. Eyebright exhibits hypotensive, sedative, antispasmodic, immunomodulatory properties and improves the cerebral circulation.

Carrot seeds — contain large amounts of beta-carotene, improve night vision, and reduce eye fatigue.

Rowan fruits — reduce the symptoms of macular degeneration (retinal vessels pathology), which is responsible for the central vision.

Viburnum fruits — are used in the inflammatory diseases of eyes and eyelids, and impaired vision.

Nettle leaves — strengthen the cardiovascular system and improve vision.

Sea buckthorn berries — contain a large amount of vitamins A, C and group B vitamins, folic acid, iron and carotenoids, which have a beneficial effect on the retina.

Ginger root — improves blood circulation and strengthens the vessels of the organs of vision.

85bfd22a-9da1-4485-ada9-ac62ce5304dd New Life