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Eliksir morski SEA ELIXIR 30 ml




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Krótki opis, Świadectwo:

it is recommended as a source of natural iodine. It regulates metabolism, normalizes the endocrine profile, recovers the endocrine system, helps to lower blood sugar and cholesterol, and improves the condition of skin, nails and hair.

NEW LIFE ➤ ЕЛІКСИР МОРСЬКИЙ NEW LIFE ✅ Харчові біодобавки і еліксири Нове Життя ✿ Рідкі БАДи - Біологічно активні добавки ✔ Доставка по Україні ✔ Унікальна система знижок ✿ Замовляйте і станьте партнером!

30 ml


Аctive ingredients: laminariae thalli, spirulina platensis, chlorella.

Оther ingredients: aqua, propylenglycolum, glycerolum.


7-10 drops 2-3 times a day before meals with water.

Warunki przechowywania:

store within 24 months from the manufacturing date in dry, protected from light place ​at a temperature not above 25°C and with a relative humidity not higher than 85%.


individual intolerance to the components.

Kod kreskowy:

Laminaria saccharina – contains a large amount of iodine, which improves the absorption of protein, phosphorus, calcium and iron, activates a number of enzymes, removes toxins, heavy metals and radionuclides, and eliminates vitamin and mineral deficiencies. Laminaria improves digestion and metabolic processes in the body, stimulates the activity of the nervous and cardiovascular systems, helps to normalize the level of cholesterol and triglycerides in blood, and boosts immunity. It also promotes normalization of the thyroid gland functions, reduces blood viscosity, slows down the process of blood vessels’ hardening, and improves wound healing, as well as skin, nails and hair condition.

Spirulina – is a seaweed comprising 70% proteins, which makes it nutritious and low in calories. Taking spirulina for a long time provides a sense of fullness, promotes weight loss and improves metabolism. Spirulina, as one of the best sources of iron, is recommended in anemia. This seaweed contains a number of vitamins, minerals, amino acids, which improve memory and vision, normalize blood cholesterol levels and stimulate the immune system. The use of spirulina improves the condition of skin and nails, and promotes the growth and density of hair.

Chlorella – contains high percentage of chlorophyll, which helps to clean the blood of toxins and wastes. This seaweed contains a large amount of vitamins, amino acids, micro- and macro-elements. Chlorella significantly increases the activity of immune cells, assisting in the reduction of blood cholesterol levels and normalization of blood pressure. It also maintains the normal intestinal functions and microflora. As a powerful antioxidant, it slows down the aging processes.

f0bc71ec-8ebf-423b-a6e6-2f354791918c New Life