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Eliksir dla układu limfatycznego LYMPHATIC SYSTEM ELIXIR 100 ml




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New Life

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Firma NEW LIFE ma dziś ponad 800 oficjalnych przedstawicielstw na terenie całej Ukrainy. Przy zamówieniu możesz wybrać najbliższy CI według lokalizacji.W tym celu skorzystaj z mapy Zobacz mapę

Krótki opis, Świadectwo:

it is recommended to decongest the lymphatic system, removes lymphatic edema, enhances lymphatic drainage and promotes purification of blood from toxins.


100 ml


Active ingredients: galium aparine herba, trifolium pratense flos, arctium lappa radices, hibiscus flos, glycyrrhizae radices, vaccinium folia.

Other ingredients: aqua, propylenglycolum, glycerolum.


7 – 10 drops 2 - 3 times daily before meals.

Warunki przechowywania:

Store for 3 years from the date of manufacture in a dry place protected from direct sunlight at a temperature not higher than +25ºС and relative humidity not higher than 85%. After opening, it is recommended to use within 6 months.


individual intolerance to the components.

Kod kreskowy:

Cleavers grass — is effective for improving the function of the lymphatic system, removes lymphatic edema, enhances lymphatic drainage and facilitates decongestion spread of cancer cells as well as cleanses the blood of toxins. The cleavers grass is effective in respiratory diseases (eliminates inflammation of the mucous and acts as an antitussive).

Flowers of red clover — is an effective remedy for cleansing the blood vessels, lymphatic system and liver from toxins, wastes, breakdown products and salts of heavy metals.

Burdock root — contains in its composition the antioxidants, ascorbic acid and vitamin PP, which allows it to have a beneficial impact on the state of lymphatic vessels. It removes toxins, cleanses the lymph and blood, and exhibits the antibacterial activity. The burdock has choleretic and diuretic activities being helpful in the fight against chronic inflammation.

Hibiscus flowers — facilitate the stabilization of blood pressure and improve the elasticity of blood vessels strengthening their walls. Hibiscus helps to remove metabolic products from the body. Besides, it exhibits diuretic and choleretic effects, protects liver and improves bile production.

Licorice root — is a powerful stimulant of the lymph, activates flow of lymph in the heart muscle (it is used for organic heart diseases) and dilutes lymph. Licorice root cleanses the body of wastes.

Cowberry leaves — exhibit diuretic and choleretic effects, eliminates disease-causing bacteria, makes blood vessels more elastic and has an anti-inflammatory property.

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