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Ekstrakt roślinny z karczocha ARTICHOKE VEGETABLE EXTRACT 100 ml

225 UAH


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Krótki opis, Świadectwo:

It is used in treatment of biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, gallstone disease, hepatitis, dysbacteriosis, endarteritis, and also of atherosclerosis and diabetes.


100 ml


Аctive ingredients - cynara herba

Оther ingredients - aqua, propylenglycolum, glycerolum


7-10 drops 2-3 times a day before meals

Warunki przechowywania:

Store for 3 years from the date of manufacture in a dry place protected from direct sunlight at a temperature not higher than +25ºС and relative humidity not higher than 85%. After opening, it is recommended to use within 6 months.


Individual intolerance to the components

Kod kreskowy:

Artichoke herb — contains cynarin (derivative of caffeoylquinic acids), inulin, vitamins С, В1, В2, carotene, minerals, especially potassium salts. Artichoke extract has hepatoprotective and choleretic properties (thins the bile and facilitates its release into duodenum), produces the diuretic action, reduces the level of sugar and cholesterol in blood, increases the number of beneficial bacteria in the intestinal tract. It is used in treatment of biliary dyskinesia, cholecystitis, gallstone disease, hepatitis, dysbacteriosis, endarteritis, and also of atherosclerosis and diabetes.

There are many cases of successful application of artichoke to treat the urticaria fever, serum sickness, psoriasis and eczema. Artichoke is effective in the elimination of dyspeptic symptoms when treating the irritable bowel syndrome in patients suffering from the feeling of weight in the epigastrium, gaseous distention, nausea, belching, and in patients undergoing surgery on the kidneys and liver in pre- and postoperative period. In patients with renal insufficiency, artichoke extract provides higher urine output, improvement of the concentration function of kidneys, increases excretion of nitrogenous substances, which leads to improvement of the patient state.

Artichoke enhances resistance of the liver cells to the damaging factors, contributes to neutralization and removal of toxins, including heavy metal salts, alkaloids, and alcohol. Artichoke can also increase the liver regeneration function: it activates intracellular metabolism, inhibits lipid peroxidation and destruction of cell membranes, and stimulates protein synthesis.

bc06d088-1054-42fd-8eea-93adb0040637 New Life