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Short description, Indications:

is taken to normalize liver activity. “Hepatoflor” stimulates regenerative processes in liver tissues. It prevents the formation of gallstones. It improves liver detoxification function, bile secretion and digestion


tablets 60pieces 500mg


Аctive ingredients - choline, methionine, sylibi mariani extract, alpha lipoic acid, cynarae scomuli extract, cichorium extract

Оther ingredients - microcristalline cellulose, lactose, hydrated silica, calcium stearate


1 tablet 2 times a day, 10 minutes before a meal

Store conditions:

store for 3 years from the date of manufacture out of reach of children, in a dry place, protected from sunlight, at a temperature of 0ºC to 25ºC and relative humidity not exceeding 75%


individual intolerance to the components

Vendor code:

Choline – is an effective hepatoprotector. It stimulates regenerative processes in liver tissues and is effective in its damage by viruses, drugs, alcohol. It normalizes liver activity and prevents the gallstones formation. Choline lowers blood cholesterol. Due to this component, the vascular walls are cleansed of cholesterol plaques, which reduces the risk of atherosclerosis. Choline strengthens the membranes of insulin-producing cells, and thus normalizes blood glucose levels, reducing the risk of diabetes

Methionine – is a key amino acid that enhances lipid metabolism, preventing fat deposition in the liver and on the arterial walls. Methionine enhances detoxification, improves digestion

Milk thistle extract – is a hepatoprotector (in other words, it protects liver cells), improves liver detoxification function in case of poisoning, neutralizes toxins, increases bile secretion, optimizes the nutrient absorption

Alpha-lipoic acid – is involved in the regulation of carbohydrate and lipid metabolism, has a lipotropic effect, helps to lower cholesterol, improves liver detoxification function. It’s used in a therapy of atherosclerosis, liver diseases (hepatitis, cirrhosis), diabetic polyneuritis and in intoxications

Artichoke extract – has a hepatoprotective, choleretic effect, lowers blood sugar and cholesterol. It increases the liver cells resistance to negative impact, promotes neutralization and excretion of toxins, salts of heavy metals, alkaloids, alcohol, increases the liver regeneration ability

Chicory extract – contains many antioxidants that protect the liver against the negative external factors. It reduces cholesterol and triglycerides in liver tissue

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