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For teeth

Dietary supplements for Teeth, Oral cavity

Bad breath, increased plaque formation, pain and discomfort - these symptoms indicate dental and oral cavity diseases. Therefore, due attention should be paid to hygiene and timely treatment of caries and other pathologies.

Elixirs and dietary supplements from New Life will help reduce the risk of dental problems and get rid of a number of diseases of the teeth and gums.

Diseases of the oral cavity

Dental diseases can affect both the teeth and gums, as well as the tongue, palate, pharynx and any areas on the mucous membrane. Dietary supplements for dental and oral health will help prevent their appearance.

The complex of components promotes effective cleansing, has an antibacterial and anti-inflammatory effect. Beneficial vitamins and minerals strengthen tooth enamel.

Usually dietary supplements for teeth, oral cavity, for caries, gum disease, stomatitis, periodontal disease are prescribed for the treatment and prevention of the most common diseases:

  1. Caries. It is caused by a change in pH between plaque and the tooth wall. This leads to demineralization and destruction of tissues by carious bacteria. Love for sweets, changes in the amount of fluoride and poor ecology can provoke the presence of caries. It is important to strengthen the enamel, take calcium supplements and brush your teeth in a timely manner. And vitamin D3 should also be added to your diet.
  2. Inflammation of the gums or gingivitis. Many factors contribute to the development of pathology: bad habits, poor oral hygiene. deficiency of vitamin C, frequent colds, decreased immunity, tartar, etc. Gingivitis requires urgent treatment, since in the absence of adequate assistance, the disease can be complicated by periodontitis and lead to tooth loss.
  3. Stomatitis. This is a lesion of the oral mucosa. Stomatitis can manifest as ulceration or inflammation. They usually occur due to lack of hygiene, immune response to specific molecules, and also due to mucosal trauma and gastrointestinal diseases. Treatment of stomatitis for men and women is the same. An integrated approach should be used from local remedies, herbal remedies and anti-inflammatory medications.
  4. Periodontal disease or periodontitis with an aggressive course. This is an inflammatory process that covers the periodontium (tissues that hold the tooth in the bone socket). Poor oral hygiene, tartar and the presence of endocrine diseases can provoke the development of periodontitis.

Important: do not forget that teething is also often accompanied by local inflammation of the gums. To relieve puffiness and soreness, you can use safe herbal medicines.

Also, dietary supplements for the prevention of diseases of the oral cavity are used for soft tissue injuries and after dental operations. Prosthetics cannot do without such preparations, because the products contain natural ingredients that contribute to the normalization of microflora. This prevents bacterial infections and leads to quick healing.

Complex dietary supplements for the health of teeth and oral cavity NEW LIFE

The catalog of the NEW LIFE store contains preparations for the care of the oral cavity, as well as for the treatment and prevention of enamel pathologies, lesions of the gums and mucous membranes. These are natural vitamins for dental diseases and nutritional supplements in tablets, capsules, extracts and elixirs, as well as toothpastes, sprays, conditioners and herbal concentrates.

Complex biologically active additives for maintaining oral health have a whole list of useful actions:

  • normalization of pH and stabilization of the acidity level in the gastrointestinal tract;
  • high-quality and safe cleaning of all surfaces;
  • enamel strengthening;
  • restoration of the health of the mucous membrane;
  • improvement of the general condition of the body and well-being.

Also phytopreparations for the oral cavity, teeth and gums slow down the growth of bacteria and freshen the breath. These are high-quality and safe products that should be used both during treatment and for the prevention of diseases.

Active natural supplements and herbal remedies to help the oral cavity, teeth and gums

NEW LIFE uses reliable formulas and only natural ingredients for the manufacture of products. All vitamins for gums, dietary supplements for oral health and other products are of high quality, which is confirmed by certificates according to ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 systems.

In the production of natural supplements, we use extracts from plants growing in ecologically safe regions. All remedies for the prevention of dental caries are made from concentrated herbal extracts. A patented extraction method is used for their production.

In our online store you can buy the following dietary supplements and vitamins:

OMEGA 3-6-9











Important: we use the correct combinations of minerals, which is necessary for the effective assimilation of nutrients. So, calcium only works if it contains vitamin D3 in combination with it. These substances are irreplaceable for teeth.

Buy dental preparations NEW LIFE in the official online store

Our company has created optimal conditions for comfortable ordering of natural dietary supplements and phytopreparations.

By deciding to buy calcium tablets for strengthening teeth in the NEW LIFE online store, you get a number of advantages:

  • profitable cashback and ready-made tools for running MLM business;
  • high quality and safety - food additives for strengthening teeth are certified according to ISO 9001 and ISO 22000 systems.

NEW LIFE has created favorable conditions for comfortable shopping and opening your own business on the network. Choose quality natural supplements made with the best formulas with us.