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Short description, Indications:

it is recommended as a remedy promoting strengthening of the vessel wall, cleansing the vessels, reduction of the risk of the formation of thrombi and the atherosclerotic vascular disease. It reduces the blood cholesterol level, improves blood coagulation, increases white blood cell count, stimulates blood circulation, normalizes blood composition and arterial pressure.

NEW LIFE ➤ PHYTO HEALTH FORTE FOR VESSELS 60 TABLETS/JAR NEW LIFE ✿ Nutritional Supplements New Life ✿ Vitamins & Dietary Supplements ✿ Biologically Active Food Additives - BAAs ✔ Unique Discount System!

500mg 60 tablets


Аactive ingredients : trifolium herba, bupleurum herba, sophorae fructus, castanea fructus, taraxaci radices, hyperici herba, vіncae herba, leonuri herba, lavandulae flos.

Other ingredients : lactose, microcristalline cellulose, polyvinylpyrrolidone (PVP), calcium stearate.


1 tablet twice a day, 10 minutes before meals

Store conditions:

store within 3 years from the manufacturing date in dry, protected from light place and out of reach of children at a temperature from 0 °C to 25°C and with a relative humidity of 75 percent at most


idiosyncrasy of components

Vendor code:

Clover herb — strengthens the vessel walls, prevents formation of atherosclerotic plaques, reduces the blood cholesterol level, restores the lumen of the vessels, accelerates lymphatic drainage, has the diuretic, choleretic, and antiseptic effects.

Hare’s ear herb — reduces arterial pressure, strengthens the vessel and capillary walls. It has the general strengthening, antitumour, antioxidant, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, and tonic properties, promotes the body cleansing from wastes.

Low cudweed herb — reduces arterial pressure, has vasodilator effect on the peripheric vessel and capillaries. It also improves blood coagulation, has the antibacterial and anti-inflammatory properties, and strengthens the immunity.

Sophora fruits — prevent the formation of thrombi, maintain elasticity and strength of the blood vessels, exert the anti-inflammatory and antioxidant effects, have the hemapoietic, hemocatharsic, and hemostatic properties.

Chestnut fruits — stimulate blood flow, normalize blood composition and arterial pressure, ensure the wound healing, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, and astringent effects.

Lavender flowers — improve cerebral circulation and state in cardiovascular diseases, have the sedative, diuretic, choleretic, and spasmolytic effects.

Dandelion root — promotes blood formation, increases white blood cell count, promotes blood cleansing, and normalizes the blood cholesterol level.

Periwinkle herb — promotes blood cleansing, has vasodilatory property, significantly increases cerebral circulation, improves the body state in arterial hypertension, arrythmia, and vegetative-vascular diseases.

St John’s wort herb — improves the function of the cardiovascular system, maintains the heart function, normalizes elevated arterial pressure, dilates blood vessels, and improves blood circulation.

Motherwort herb — promotes reduction of arterial pressure, it is helpful for vegetative-vascular dystonia, reduces bad cholesterol level and the blood glucose level, regulates protein metabolism, promotes strengthening the cardiac muscle and the normalization of the heart function.

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