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Short description, Indications:

it is recommended as a drug, which helps to maintain healthy vision, improves night-time visual acuity, assures the optimal level of intraocular pressure, improves the activity of the apples of the eyes, and strengthens capillaries. It contributes to the saturation of the eye bulb and optic nerve with oxygen and other useful trace elements.

NEW LIFE ➤ VISION PRO 60 vegetable CAPSULES/JAR NEW LIFE ✿ Nutritional Supplements New Life ✿ Vitamins & Dietary Supplements ✿ Biologically Active Food Additives - BAAs ✔ Unique Discount System ✿ Order and Become a Partner!

60 capsules per 500mg


Active ingredients for 1 capsule (500 mg): lutein (20 mg), vitamin C (ascorbic acid) (3,88 mg), vitamin РР (nicotinamide) (1,2 mg), vitamin В5 (pantothenic acid) (680 mcg), vitamin Е (tосоpherol) (640 mcg), vitamin В6 (pyridoxine) (144 mcg), vitamin В2 (riboflavin) (120 mcg), vitamin В1 (thiamine) (100 mcg), vitamin В9 (folic acid) (24 mcg), vitamin В7 (biotin) (9,2 mcg), vitamin В12 (cyanocobalamin) (0,08 mcg).

Other ingredients: maltodextrin, hydrated silica, calcium stearate.


1 capsule twice a day with meals

Store conditions:

store within 3 years from the date of manufacturing in dry place protected from light beyond the reach of children at a temperature up from 0°C to 25°C and with relative humidity of 75% at most


idiosyncrasy of components

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Lutein – acts as a light filter and protects the eye from the most aggressive (blue) portion of the daylight spectrum. Being a high-powered antioxidant, lutein is able to neutralize the effects of free radicals; it prevents destruction of retina and lenticular opacity. Lutein strengthens the vessel walls and improves night-time visual activity.

Vitamin E (tocopherol) – helps to prevent detachment of the retina, cataract, and maintains vision in diabetes. It takes part in protein metabolism, normalizes the blood clotting ability, improves its circulation and normalizes muscle activity.

Vitamin B1 (thiamin) – strengthens the nervous tissues, in particular the optic nerve. Sufficient intake of vitamin B1 guarantees the conduction of nerve impulses of a high quality. Thiamin exerts influence on the function of the apple of the eye and assures the optimal level of intraocular pressure.

Vitamin B2 (riboflavin) - reduces eye fatigue, takes part in the building of visual purple, protects eye retina from harmful effects of ultraviolet radiation, assures normal vision – colour and light perceptual acuity, controls dark adaptation (together with vitamin A), takes part in the activity of the receptors of the eyes and protects tissues of the visual organs from the short-wavelength radiations. Vitamin B2 strengthens capillaries and improves the function of the apples of the eyes.

Vitamin B6 (pyridoxine) – takes part in the cellular metabolism. It exerts influence on the health of the nervous system. In case of vitamin B6 deficiency, the eyes get strongly strained and get tired quickly. This may cause an inflammation of the eye mucosa and an inflammation of the optic nerve.

Vitamin PP (nicotinamide) – takes par t in the oxidation-reduction reactions of the body. It regulates the higher nervous activity, dilates blood vessels, and lowers the blood cholesterol level, which improves blood supply of the optic nerve.

Vitamin B9 (folic acid) – plays an important part in the production of red blood cells, building of the new cells, and takes part in the oxidation-reduction processes. Folic acid deficiency results in the increase of homocysteine levels (the amino acid destructing wall cells), which deteriorates vision.

Vitamin B5 (pantothenic acid) – is necessary for normal metabolism and functioning of the nervous system, vitamin B9 absorption and metabolism, and the reduction of risk of allergy onset.

Vitamin B7 (biotin) takes part in the regulation of all types of metabolism: protein, carbohydrate and lipid. It is a source of sulfur and retards the aging processes in the body.

Vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) – takes active part in hemogenesis. It exerts a positive effect on the activity of the central nervous system and nourishes the optic nerve.

Vitamin C (ascorbic acid) – reduces the probability of the cataract onset or retards its development. It helps to regulate intraocular pressure, prevents retinal diseases caused by the effects of light and free radicals, prevents oxidation of the visual pigments, strengthens capillary walls, improves the health of the vessels of the eye fundus, and prevents the probability of the retinal haemorrhage. Vitamin C is responsible for the maintenance of the eye muscle motility, the maintenance of the optic nerve, and improvement of the perception and transmission of visual signal. It maintains necessary level of collagen in the vitreous body and crystalline lens.

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