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New Life ANDROID Purchases
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Short description, Indications:

Is recommended for better bone knitting and wound healing. It relieves pain and joints inflammation. It’s effective in digestive disorders and gastrointestinal tract diseases


100 ml


Аctive ingredients - symphytі radіces

Оther ingredients - aqua, propylenglycolum, glycerolum


7-10 drops 2-3 times a day before meals

Store conditions:

Store for 3 years from the date of manufacture in a dry place protected from direct sunlight at a temperature not higher than +25ºС and relative humidity not higher than 85%. After opening, it is recommended to use within 6 months.


Individual intolerance to the components

Vendor code:

Comfrey root – has a regenerating, analgesic, anti-inflammatory and haemostatic effects. It contains potassium, calcium, phosphorus, and also the allantoin alkaloid, which promotes bone knitting and stimulates natural cell regeneration.

Comfrey accelerates tissue regeneration, so it’s used for long-term non-healing wounds, burns, fractures, injuries, radiculitis, ligament sprains. It’s recommended to rub disease site and to put compresses prepared on the basis of comfrey extract in the treatment of osteoarthritis, gouty arthritis, polyarthritis, vertebral osteochondrosis, rheumatoid arthritis.

Comfrey root extract increases appetite, is used for treatment of digestive disorders, gastrointestinal ulcers, colitis. It’s recommended for reducing pain in cancer.

Comfrey root extract lowers blood pressure, increases intestinal motility in constipation. It’s used as an enveloping agent in upper respiratory tract diseases, tuberculosis.

Comfrey root extract is widely used externally as a wound-healing agent; for sore throats, stomatitis, pharyngitis treatment in the form of rinses; make better hair and scalp condition.

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