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Short description, Indications:

The balm based on herbal extracts and sea salt is an effective first aid for sore throat. Vitamin C, by activating the immune system, helps the organism to quickly overcome throat diseases. An active complex of the ethereal oils (melaleuca, peppermint, thyme, geranium) has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, antiviral effects. Colloidal silver is a powerful antibacterial agent. Its molecules block the reproduction of harmful bacteria, viruses and fungi, reducing their activity. The Prophylactic Throat Spray reduces inflammation and pain during respiratory conditions.

NEW LIFE ➤ THROAT SPRAY COSMETIC BALSAM Herbal ✿ Natural Organic Cosmetics New Life ✿ Eco Composition ✔ Unique Discount System ✿ Order and Become a Partner!

50 ml


Ingredients: demineralized water/aqua, propolis extract/propolisi extractum, marshmallow extract/althaeae officinalis extractum, calendula extract/calendula officinalis extractum, chamomile extract/chamomillae officinalis extractum, linden extract/tilia cordata flower extractum, blueberry extract/vaccinium myrtillus extractum, viburnum extract/viburnum opulus extractum, rosehip extract/rosa canina extractum, black currant extract/ribes nigrum extractum, plantain extract/plantago major (plantain) leaf extractum, glycerin/glycerine, sea salt/sea salt, vitamin C/vitamin C, peppermint essential oil/menhta piperita oil, tea tree essential oil/melaleuca alternifolia oil, thyme essential oil/thymi vulgaris oil, geranium essential oil/pelargonium graveolens oil, silverbat/silverbat, colloidal silver/colloidal silver, polysorbate-80/polysorbate-80, sodium benzoate/sodium benzoate.


irrigate the throat 4-5 times a day.

Store conditions:

24 months, at a temperature from + 5ºC to + 25ºC


individual intolerance to the components.

Vendor code:

Aqua/Demineralized water.

Propolisi extractum/Propolis extract – has a high antiviral, bactericidal and antimicrobial activity. It’s used as an effective analgesic for sore throat, for the treatment of soft oral tissues, fungal diseases, gums abscesses. It has a healing effect and is good for tissue regeneration.

Аlthaeae officinalis extractum/Marshmallow extract – has enveloping, anti-inflammatory, expectorant effects. Due to the high content of mucous substances, marshmallow extract has a soothing and analgesic effects on inflammation of the mucous membranes. The polysaccharides contained in marshmallow have an anti-inflammatory effect, therefore marshmallow is used to rinse the throat and gums.

Сalendula officinalis extractum/Calendula extract – has a disinfecting, antiseptic effect for suppuration of wounds, for inflammation of the oral mucosa, for stomatitis and gingivitis (gums inflammation), throat tonsils (pharyngitis, tonsillitis).

Chamomillae officinalis extractum/Chamomile extract – has an antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, analgesic and deodorant effects.

Tilia cordata flower extractum/Linden extract – has analgesic, expectorant, anti-inflammatory and bactericidal effects. Linden blossom is used for respiratory diseases, influenza, ARVI, for gargling with sore throat and pharyngitis, stomatitis rinsing.

Vaccinium myrtillus extractum/Blueberry extract – is a powerful antioxidant. Due to the activity of vitamin A, blueberries neutralize the free radicals damage. It has antiseptic and anti-inflammatory effects. Blueberries extract relieves sore throat and mouth irritation.

Viburnum opulus extractum/Viburnum extract – has anti-inflammatory effect. It contains a large amount of vitamin C, which is indispensable for the treatment of colds. Viburnum is an effective gargle for sore throat, it helps with hoarseness and loss of voice.

Rosa canina extractum/Rosehip extract – increases the organism resistance to infectious diseases, it's used for general strengthening, as a tonic and vitamin agent. Rosehip helps to cope with colds, diseases of the oral cavity, sinusitis. It soothes the throat mucous, irritated by constant coughing, relieves the unpleasant sensation of a sore throat.

Ribes nigrum extractum/Black currant extract – has anti-inflammatory, disinfectant and antiseptic effects. It’s successfully used for sore throat, hoarseness and tonsils treatment. Scaldberry extract contains a large amount of vitamin C and other nutrients and vitamins.

Plantago major (plantain) leaf extractum/Plantain extract – has antimicrobial effect. It has a full-blown healing effect, accelerates tissue epithelization. It increases the permeability of the oral mucosa for biologically active components, which improves the therapeutic and prophylactic effect of plantain.

Sea salt/Sea salt – has a full-blown antiseptic effect. The use of sea salt helps to eradicate infection during the throat or teeth diseases, relieves pain when coughing and symptoms of dry throat with pharyngitis or tonsils. Sea salt neutralizes acids, restoring the pH balance in the throat area, thus relieving pain and burning. Sea salt naturally stimulates the production of saliva, which is known to destroy harmful bacteria in the mouth. As a result, it helps not only fight infections, but also freshens breath.

Vitamin C/Vitamin C – is a powerful antioxidant, which protects against bacteria and viruses, has anti-inflammatory and anti-allergic effects, strengthens the immune system and enhances the action of other antioxidants. Vitamin C perfectly increases the resistance of the tissues of the nasopharynx, allowing you to successfully fight infection, helps to overcome colds and accelerate wound healing.

Menhta piperita oil/Peppermint essential oil – has antiseptic, analgesic, antioxidant, anti-inflammatory effects. It has a softening effect on loss of voice and slight hoarseness. Peppermint oil removes viruses and microbes, improves immunity and eliminates foul breath.

Melaleuca alternifolia oil/Tea tree essential oil – is a strong antiseptic, has full-blown antiviral, bactericidal and anti-inflammatory effects. It accelerates convalescence by acting on the mucous membranes.

Thymi vulgaris oil/Thyme essential oil – has a regenerating, expectorant, bactericidal, antiseptic effects. It’s effective for throat and respiratory system diseases, stimulates the immune system, helps the organism to cope faster with infections.

Pelargonium graveolens oil/Geranium essential oil – has antiviral, antiseptic, anti-inflammatory, wound healing, analgesic effects. It removes pain and helps relieve inflammation of the oral and nasal mucous.

Colloidal silver/Colloidal silver – has antibacterial and antifungal effects. It’s an excellent antiseptic which is used as a disinfectant and wound-healing agent. It’s used also for colds, acute and chronic diseases of the nasopharynx, oral cavity (gingivitis, periodontal disease).

Glycerin/Glycerine – removes bacteria that cause fetid breath. It has a softening effect.

Polysorbate-80/Polysorbate-80 – creates an emulsion from immiscible liquids.

Sodium benzoate/Sodium benzoate – is a food preservative which prevents the appearance of microorganisms.

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